ESG Asset Check

Get your free CRREM path assessment!

Kick-start your 2025 strategy with actionable insights into your assets’ decarbonisation pathways in 3 easy steps:

1. Submit Your Asset: Fill out the form with details of your asset.
2. Receive Your Report: Get a CRREM stranding analysis and emissions snapshot.
3. Review & Plan: Use the insights to inform your 2025 business planning, making strategic decisions that align with both financial and sustainability goals.

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Complimentary CRREM Analysis for Year-End Planning

As we approach the critical year-end phase of business planning and reporting, understanding how your assets align with CRREM pathways is more crucial than ever. At Alasco, we know the challenges asset managers and sustainability leaders face when integrating ESG and financial data to drive sustainable growth. That’s why we’re offering a complimentary CRREM analysis for up to three of your assets.


Why This Matters for

Asset Managers
No more uncertainty. Identify the ESG risks in your portfolio, decide on which are the best measures to implement and then track their execution efficiently.

"With Alasco, we are using an intelligent solution that shows the investment volume required for decarbonisation on the one hand and visually presents the impact on the stranded asset date on the other.”

Dominik Barton / CEO at Barton Group
Sustainability Leaders
As you prepare for year-end reporting and set new targets, our CRREM analysis provides the insights you need to showcase your progress and refine your strategies. Leverage this analysis to ensure your assets are on track to meet decarbonisation goals and regulatory requirements.

“With cloud-based data management, we can now simulate data-based scenarios with one click and make informed management decisions for our properties and portfolios in order to make them climate-neutral by 2045. These advances significantly increase our advisory and management quality in order to fulfil the ESG goals of our investors.”

Dr. Thorsten Bischoff / Managing Partner at VALUES. Real Estate
Asset Managers
No more uncertainty. Identify the ESG risks in your portfolio, decide on which are the best measures to implement and then track their execution efficiently.

"With Alasco, we are using an intelligent solution that shows the investment volume required for decarbonisation on the one hand and visually presents the impact on the stranded asset date on the other.”

Dominik Barton / CEO at Barton Group
Sustainability Leaders
Collect ESG data on your assets, analyse their stranding risks, identify suitable measures based on their sustainable impact and ROI. 

“With cloud-based data management, we can now simulate data-based scenarios with one click and make informed management decisions for our properties and portfolios in order to make them climate-neutral by 2045. These advances significantly increase our advisory and management quality in order to fulfil the ESG goals of our investors.”

Dr. Thorsten Bischoff / Managing Partner at VALUES. Real Estate